Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Do The Right Thing
I found Do The Right Thing to be one of the best moies so far this year. It kept my attention throughout. I felt that a major theme in this story is speaking your mind and expressing your way the way you want. I felt that little to no one took crap from anyone else. The Pizzeria owner Sal didnt take anything from his customers who sometimes put up arguements. He stood up for what he believed in, which at one point was mainly the pictures on his wall and what they represent to him. He defended himself through culture and believed that he coudl do what he wanted, especially on his wall at his Pizzeria. Buggin' out was no exception of speaking his mind. He tried to boycott the pizzeria and eventually from being so upset fromt he pictures, he ended up bringing up a fight that ended it all resulting in Radio Rakim's death. Radio Rakim spoke his mind and no one really resisted his personality because of his big size. His size did help, but i believe if he wasnt as big, he still would have repped the " Fight the Power" on his boombox till the end which was ultimately his death. He died over his boombox and the way he expressed himself. Mookie at the end also stood up for himself by throwing the garbage in the window destorying the pizzeria. He stood up for what he believed in, which was Radio Rakim over Sal, resulting in chaos in the city street. I believe that everyone stood up for what they believed in, they stood tall, they stood strong and woudlnt take anything from anyone. This is what kept me going the whole movie because the personalities were so different and attention grabbing.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Battle of Algiers i found to be a very unique film and original in its film styles and its plot line, something completey out of this world and so real. I listened to the audio of :: NPR Story: All Things Considered Audio , They believe it is one of the most realistic reenactments of a terrorism attack. It does portray a very terroristic style and without a doubt is filled with terrorism. It obviously is realistic because searches have been preformed like this for the safety of society. I feel that terrorism is left open to ones mind. It is a basic example of terrorism i believe, but if you use your head you can creat terrorism in a whole different mannor. I see that it relates to 9/11 very much because of the bombings. The bombings in the buildings were planned to work and work effectively, which they did, very similiar to 9/11. The bombings were planned strategically, and followed through with pride from terrorists. They did end up dieing in their bombings which is a difference but they all risked many dangers to help their side. I do believe that all countries are all different which they say, and to follow the movie as an example and the lines it draws. It is a guideline to terrorism and what the effects they can turn into towards a society which is a negative impact. Pride seems to be something that is the pushing force for each side, not to lose and to never give up. It seems that no one ever will give up to save lives, they must live and prove a point that they are the dominant force. Their seems to not be a peaceful way out of it if it starts in a violent way. All in all, I feel the Battle Of Algiers is a great example of how to address a terrorist problem and how to possibly react to it with the least pain inflicted towards a side or another.
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