Thursday, November 29, 2007


Memento was quite a change in movies. It was very different from the other Film noir movies we watched because it didnt seem to be set at the same time, it wasnt 100% black and white, and it was just newer age. There were defiantely details like low key lighting which i picked up right away as well as the switching on and off of black and white filming. I felt this was a unique film noir movie and as well, a unique film. Its a movie where it seems lots of thought process had to go through it. Im not saying other movies dont, but that this one just had you thinking the whole time. It was very creative in the way it was filmed. Going from the end to the start is very different and a great way to tell a film if you can pull it off. It keeps the viewers watching and on their feet, because if you miss a scene you may seem to be lost. Each scene was very unique and each scene kept you geussing of who had the motive to do what, what is happening because at times, you were put out with a blank sheet and had no clue what was going on. I felt that the unique filming style they portrayed is what made this movie a success. It kept you going throughout and there was never a dull moment to be found. Memento is a classic and is an exceptional portrayl of film noir, just a little different.

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